Founder Elevator

Leverage your Personal Brand to take your business to the next level.

Lead the conversation.

There’s no better storyteller for your business than you.

Building your profile as a founder will increase your business’ credibility and add a necessary human touch.

All prices are in CAD.

What’s included?

Strategy Workshops

In three sessions we will work on articulating your story and the parallels between your identity and your business. We will set goals for your Personal Brand and iron out the tactics that will help you meet those goals.

Brand on a Page

For easy reference, we will create a one-pager that summarizes your Personal Brand strategy. It will contain your bio, areas of expertise, brand personality, tone of voice, and content pillars.


We will translate the brand strategy into two distinct visual direction options. This stage is crucial in ensuring we are aligned before design work begins. Stylescapes are similar to moodboards but more precise.

Visual Identity Design

Building on the agreed visual direction, we will design a custom wordmark of your name and brand elements like secondary lockups, icons and patterns.

Template Kit

To help you DIY designs and documents that are consistent with your brand, we will create a letterhead, email signature, slide template and 3-5 Canva social media templates.

Style Guide

When the design work is complete, we will create a style guide that outlines your brand colours, fonts, art direction for images and a photoshoot shot list.


  • We will write and design a dynamic landing page that you can drive people to learn about you.

    Please note that hosting and domain fees are payable to Squarespace directly, and not included in this fee. However, as members of the Squarespace Circle program, our clients get 10% off annual plans.

  • If you'd rather outsource your social media management, we can support you with everything from content ideation to scripting, filming, editing, posting, community management and analytics.

  • We can do everything from concept development to shot lists, location scouting, photography, and retouching. We will discuss your unique needs and create a proposal.

Previous Work

Not sure if this package is right for you?

Book a free 15-minute consultation with our founder to make sure.


  • Yes. Payments are due in installments of 60:40 or 50:25:25. That said, a project cannot commence without a deposit.

  • Absolutely! We understand how quickly your needs as a business owner can evolve.

    We will do our best to accomodate on your existing timeline, but might need to create a separate timeline for any subsequent add-ons. We will walk you through what that would look like.

  • The Founder Elevator package takes 45 to 60 days on average. However, each client receives a timeline with specific dates that factor in availability on both sides.

  • We like to allow about 5 days from when you submit your intake form for us to have a kickoff call, align on a timeline, sign the contract and process the deposit payment.

    Work officially begins when we receive the deposit.