Brand Takeoff

Get your brand off the ground and align it with your ambitions.

This is a branding package for founders who are a little scared of their dreams, but ready to make the leap.

What’s included?

Discovery Session

As the first step of the brand strategy process, we will guide you through different questions to help you articulate your vision, goals and concerns. We will probe for insights that help with positioning your brand. This will serve as the basis of our research.

Refinement Session

We will take the information from the first session and our research and put together recommendations for your brand’s positioning, audience and other differentiators. We will discuss these in the refinement session and determine if we are on the right track.

Optimization Session

We will prepare a full brand strategy document that outlines the brand’s mission, audience, positioning, reasons to believe, personality, tone of voice, goals and next steps. We will review this document in our third session and make any necessary changes live.


We will translate the brand strategy into two distinct visual directions for you to choose from. This stage is crucial in ensuring we are aligned before design work begins. Stylescapes are similar to moodboards but more precise.

Visual Identity Design

Building on the agreed visual direction, we will design a logo, brand elements like icons and patterns, and brand collateral like stationery and company swag. The package includes up to 10 collateral applications.

Brand Guidelines

When the design work is complete, we will deliver a comprehensive brand guidelines document outlining how to use the logo and other brand elements, colours, fonts, imagery, and any relevant information for future reference.

Go from vision to execution.

Building a business can be deeply personal, but as a founder, you owe it to yourself to ensure that all your efforts and ambitions resonate with your audience.

We get you and we’re here to make sure they get you too.

All prices are in CAD.


  • We will create a set of 10 social-media-friendly Canva templates for your recurring graphic design needs.

  • We will write and design a dynamic landing page for your brand. This is great if you don't need to host a lot of information on your website. We can help you determine if your brand is a good fit for this.

    Please note that hosting and domain fees are payable to Squarespace directly, and not included in this fee. However, as members of the Squarespace Circle program, our clients get 10% off annual plans.

  • We will write and design up to 5 webpages that bring your brand to life online. We're happy to discuss unique needs like blogs and e-commerce and work with you for the best solutions.

    Please note that hosting and domain fees are payable to Squarespace directly, and not included in this fee. However, as members of the Squarespace Circle program, our clients get 10% off annual plans.

  • This is perfect if you are launching a hero product or you use the same packaging for all your products. We will create print-ready packaging design files.

    This does not cover the printing and production of your packaging. However, we are happy to liaise with your vendors or help you find the right vendor for your packaging needs.

  • This works if you have multiple products that require different packaging, but still have a cohesive look and feel. There are several variables that go into these, so we quote on a project-to-project basis.

  • We can do everything from concept development to shot lists, location scouting, photography, and retouching. We will discuss your unique needs and create a proposal.

Not sure if this package is right for you?

Book a free 15-minute consultation with our founder to make sure.


Save on the Brand Takeoff package by taking a DIY approach.

We will develop your brand strategy and visual direction, then you DIY the execution and check back in with us afterwards. Here’s how it works:

  1. Discovery Session (90 minutes)

  2. Refinement Session (60 minutes)

  3. Optimization Session (60 minutes)

  4. Visual Direction Workshop (90 minutes)

  5. Two Check-ins (60 minutes each)


  • Yes. Payments are due in installments of 60:40 or 50:25:25. That said, a project cannot commence without a deposit.

  • Absolutely! We understand how quickly your needs as a business owner can evolve.

    We will do our best to accomodate on your existing timeline, but might need to create a separate timeline for any subsequent add-ons. We will walk you through what that would look like.

  • The Brand Takeoff package takes 60 days on average. However, each client receives a timeline with specific dates that factor in availability on both sides.

  • We like to allow about 5 days from when you submit your intake form for us to have a kickoff call, align on a timeline, sign the contract and process the deposit payment.

    Work officially begins when we receive the deposit.

  • The short answer is that it depends. We always do our best to accommodate our founders, but depending on how far along the project has gone it might be difficult to switch.

    If this winds up being your situation, we will work with you to arrive at the best compromise.